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Biological Question Bank

 💥 *Biological Question Bank🔥*

1.What is the chemical name of Vitamin E?

🅰️Alpha tocopherol

2. Which Vitamin is also known as retinol?

🅰️Vitamin A

 3. What is Calciferol?

🅰️Vitamin D

4. What is the other name of thiamine?

🅰️Vitamin B1

 5. Which Vitamin is called niacin?

🅰️Vitamin B3

6. Which element is excreted through human sweat?


7. Pollution of water bodies by which element causes Minamata disease?


8. Accumulation of which chemical leads to kidneyn stones?

🅰️Calcium Oxalate

9. Which heavy metal causes Itai Itai disease?


10. Which chemical was used earlier for giving anesthesia to patients?

🅰️Diethyl ether

11. Who is honored as Father of Modern Chemistry?

🅰️Antoine Lavoisier

12. Who invented periodic table?

🅰️Dmitri Mendeleev

13. Which is the most abundant gas in the earth's atmosphere?

🅰️Nitrogen (78.08%)

14. Which gas evolved from  paddy fields and marshes?


15. Which toxic element present in automobile exhausts?


16. Which gases cause acid rain?

🅰️Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen oxides

17. Which metal is used in the making of microchips?


18. What is the toxicity caused by silicon called?


19. Which polymer is used to manufacture electric switches, computer disks etc.?


20. With which polymer, the cabinets of radio and TV made of?


21. Which chemical is used to make rain coats?

🅰️Poly Vinyl Chloride(PVC)

22. Which type of plastics can be recycled?


23. What is the name given to plastics that cannot be recycled?

🅰️Thermosetting plastics

24. Which element is a liquid at ordinary temperature?


25. What is the chemical name of baking soda?

🅰️Sodium bicarbonate

26. What is sodium carbonate commonly known as?

🅰️Washing soda or soda ash

27. What is sodium chloride?

🅰️Table salt

28 What is table sugar?

🅰️Cane sugar (Sucrose)

 29. What is the element present on lead pencils?

🅰️Carbon (graphite)

30. Which gas is found in soda water?


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मराठी हेल्थ ब्लॉगमध्ये आपलं स्वागत आहे !!! आरोग्य संबंधित माहिती आणि निरोगी राहण्यासाठी दररोज बरंच काही मिळवा. विविध वैशिष्ट्ये उपलब्ध आहेत जी मराठी हेल्थ ब्लॉग डेव्हलपर्सद्वारे तुम्हाला येथे सर्व अद्ययावत नाविन्यपूर्ण गोष्टी सापडतील..आनंदी जगणे हा आपल्या जीवनाचा उद्देश आहे..

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